Photo courtesy of
Isabel Martha Weeks

Trust in Your Selves

Jul 29, 2020 by Carole Serene Borgens
As you consider what was normal lifestyle and what may be in future, be aware that only what is needed on your Planet Earth is brought to your Planet Earth.  What could be the lesson in this time in your history, you ask?  So much is to be learned at this time and first is that you each have the capacity to move ahead in wellness and sanity and progression to a better way of living.  This may not now seem possible, but trust in this as it is the case.

While yur world leaders bring so much unrest and upheaval to the table at this time, saner heads will prevail.  Who are they?  Those who have only the best interests of your people in their hearts and minds.  Are they the medical professionals, the top of their field individuals who speak of how to move forward in safety from health challenges and other impediments to peaceful life?  In this time now of COVID-19 pandemic, it is true that for so many of your people there is no clear way forward.  Each person has control of their own thinking and reactions to what is happening in their lives.  This is a way to approach daily living, by knowing there is choice.  Each person has choice in their next step forward or their choice to remain in place, or take a step back.  On the way to personal empowerment, if each person remembers they have choice therefore have control, it helps to elevate the feelings of personal power.  This is needed. 

For each of you we say to go forward one day at a time and know that you will prevail when you follow the direction of your heart.  Not all decisions should be made based on thinking and the mind, for it is the heart that never leads you astray. 

Trust in this and go in Peace and Love, Pax.