Photo courtesy of
Isabel Martha Weeks

Living on the Edge of Spirituality and Reality

Jul 20, 2020 by Carole Serene Borgens

The question is asked if Zinc is a help?

Not so much – this is one of many minerals that, when taken as a cocktail, has impact on boosting the body defences.  This is not specific to the virus.  Again, all things given to support the body and the immune system are to be considered as valuable.

We wish to advise that the best is yet to be in some aspects of your world while the hard job remains, and that is to educate the masses to their personal and corporate responsibilities to your Planet Earth.  This we understand and wish to contribute further to.

Your people, your Earth people, need to have a guide to follow in order to reach their potential for living life to their best. 

We speak of the way of living on the edge now, the edge of spirituality and daily reality.  We speak of the way to inform your people that they can live the way of the Spiritual Warrior while bringing peace and harmony to themselves and their world as a whole.  It is a time for bettering and growing and becoming aware of the infinite possibilities.  We boost their power, we do, and we intend to infuse your people with the personal fuel to see the light, their own light and what they can bring to your planet in order to benefit the now and the future. 

In Love and Light,